Gary Mitchell of L-KOPIA, Per Arne Pettersson of LKO and Justin Quiggle of L-KOPIA posing around our L-KOPIA laser trucks after upgrading both vehicles with the new LKO / L-KOPIA LMS Clearance Laser system.
L-KOPIA upgraded our contracting laser trucks with the LMS Clearance Laser System and new software to enable use of both LMS and Z+F laser hardware (plus LD as a backup). The installation was supervised by Per Arne Pettersson of LKO and finished in one week. As mentioned in the January newsletter, L-KOPIA can now serve our customers with a unique combination of a rugged “all weather system” and a 3D prepared system for special surveys requiring 0.5 mm accuracy.
LKO/L-KOPIA also upgraded more of our software in February. Among other changes, programmer Arne Eriksson added a superimposed picture function to our WideLoad software. We can use the same pictures (collected with our time-sync software during fieldwork) for several LKO/L-KOPIA programs, such as ClearLoad, WideLoad, LKO_DTM (for track center check and “Daily Minimums”) and the ED_WIN program (used to finalize “RAW-files” to “CUS- files” for ClearLoad).
L-KOPIA’s special JFK AirTrain survey, with ARM, is delayed again due to the tough winter weather conditions. The survey is now scheduled for April of 2015.

Stephen Soukerouff of CP Railway preparing the LD laser on the F550 laser/geometry truck on a very cold February 5th morning in Red Deer, Alberta.
L-KOPIA did also perform a load survey in Alberta, Canada, in February. We surveyed about 300 track miles, using the CPR laser truck, in five (5) days. We experienced very tough winter weather with very low temperatures and a snowstorm in the end of the week. All data is processed and delivered.
Please contact us for any questions on this month’s newsletter.