This is the format (in PDF) L-KOPIA delivers the vegetation data. Roadmasters along the vegetation route are notified daily by e-mail.
L-KOPIA has for several years performed a special vegetation survey for our largest railway customer. The reason for the survey is that our customer ships very delicate airplane parts for a large airplane maker with manufacturing plants all over the world. In this case the sensitive parts are shipped from a factory in Kansas State to the Pacific Northwest. Depending on selected route, it’s between 2,500 to 2,800 miles to its final destination. The airplane parts cannot be subjected to any scratches from tree branches or evergreen needles. In the past our customer did experience small scratches on parts and it was very expensive to fix. With the L-KOPIA vegetation survey pictures with exact locations (including GPS coordinates) are e-mailed to the road masters along the 2,800 long route (please see picture on right).
LKO Teknik AB is very busy this July and two of our three laser trucks are out on TRV assignments. One in southern Sweden and one in Northern Sweden (about 800 km apart). Please contact us for any questions on this month’s newsletter.

The L-KOPIA laser truck, here with our LMS laser system, includes one JPEG picture taken every second of survey. On request, we also include a digital video for our customers, with all data superimposed in the video (Track segments, track number, mile readings, GPS coordinates, etc.).
LKO Teknik AB is very busy this July and two of our three laser trucks are out on TRV assignments. One in southern Sweden and one in Northern Sweden (about 800 km apart). Please contact us for any questions on this month’s newsletter.