LKO and Per Arne Pettersson surveyed the Kopparberg Interlocking over the weekend. The customer was NRC. Per Arne used our Ford F-350 Rail/Road laser surveying vehicle for the Kopparberg job. LKO Teknik AB has three (3) “TRV &Transportstyrelsen” certified Rail/Road trucks (for 70 km/h). We have one TriStar Econoline and one Mitsubishi L-200, plus the F-350 used for this survey. Please contact Per Arne for all Project clearance surveying in Sweden.
L-KOPIA finished the training program for the Florida Railroad in April. The customer now uses both the L-KOPIA ClearLoad & WideLoad programs. The training program was performed virtually and as effective as we hoped.

Most surveys nowadays are performed nighttime. LKO’s laser trucks has extra flood lights, plus light bars as we include continuous JPEG pictures of all tracks we cover. The Kopparberg survey was an exception and could be performed daytime.
Please contact us for any questions on this month’s newsletter.