Per Arne Pettersson of LKO performed several long surveys this summer. Per Arne basically traveled the whole length of Sweden in just a couple of days (Sweden is 1,572 kilometer long, about 1,000 miles), from Malmö to Gällivare. The most well-known project is the so called “Getingmidjan” (Bottleneck in English) in Stockholm. The large and complicated project entails adding main tracks in the middle of downtown Stockholm and over the river. Per Arne used our Ford F-350 Rail/Road laser surveying vehicle for all projects. As mentioned before, LKO Teknik AB has three (3) “TRV & Transportstyrelsen” certified Rail/Road trucks (for 70 km/h). We have one TriStar Econoline and one Mitsubishi L-200, plus the F-350 used for these surveys.
Please contact Per Arne for all Project clearance surveying in Sweden ( or +46 70-565 8083).

The LKO Teknik laser truck in the middle of everything (Getingmidjan) in Stockholm. Behind our laser truck is Sweden’s most well-known building, “Stadshuset” (the Stockholm City Hall) located along “Riddarfjärden’s” north shore on “Kungsholmen”.
Per Arne also performed a special survey in Gothenburg. The catenary poles and foundations were built before the main track, so LKO surveyed and could tell our customer how far from, and at what height, to install the track.

The LKO Teknik laser truck in Almedal, Gothenburg, driving on the ground where the track will soon be installed.
L-KOPIA received an RFP from Canada and we hope to get started on the project once the border to Canada opens up. Actually, we also have an installation of a Z+F upgrade in Canada as soon as the border is open.
Please contact us for any questions on this month’s newsletter.