L-KOPIA upgraded two laser trucks in March in preparation for the 2024 measuring season. Per Arne Pettersson traveled from Sweden to upgrade all wiring for both the Superfast Z+F scanner and the weather-proof workhorse LMS 511. With this, we can use both scanners interchangeably on L-KOPIA’s two laser trucks. L-KOPIA has only used our 2016 Ford F-350 since we downsized in 2020. With a more promising future, we now invested in both laser trucks. After Per Arne left for Sweden, L-KOPIA received a P.O for a 333-mile clearance survey in Florida. Fortunately, Florida weather allows for clearance surveys most of the year. We hope to work our way north as the Spring arrives in the rest of USA and Canada.

Per Arne Pettersson of LKO helped L-KOPIA with upgrading our two laser trucks. The picture is taken outside L-KOPIA’s garage/shop in Crown Point, Indiana.
L-KOPIA used our friends at Pyramid Equipment Inc. for the mechanical maintenance. That includes inspecting and aligning the hydraulic Hy-Rails on both Ford vehicles. A Hy-Rail is a vehicle that can travel both on road and on rail.

We used Pyramid Equipment Inc. in Rolling Prairie, Indiana for all mechanical upgrades, including the annual Hy-Rail inspection.
Please contact us for any questions on this month’s newsletter.